You can browse through our shop tab in the main navigation bar. When you find an instrument you like and click the “Add To Cart” button on its product page, you'll be taken to our shopping cart page. You can proceed to check out or press the “Continue Shopping” button to continue browsing our website. You'll still see your cart total displayed at the top of each page. When you're ready to check out, just click on that cart link you see at the top of the page to begin the checkout process.
Your personal install zip file and download instructions are delivered to you by email once your transaction has cleared, usually within just a few minutes. In some cases, delivery can take up to an hour, depending on your financial institution. Also be aware that some optional Payment options you can select in Paypal such as bank transfer and e-check may take longer to clear.

Our server will deliver your download email to the same email address that you used to place your order, so please make sure that your email address is accurate and that you don't have spam filter settings that might block the delivery email sent by our automated download server. Paypal users, please make sure that the email address associated to your Paypal account is current and accessible to you.

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